Our Mission

What to do when a solution fits in the palm of your hand?
Make it available to people who need it.

We believe that a person’s opportunities, luck and life expectancy should not be defined by their skin color, or by their place of birth. We believe in a better and fairer world, which we can create with our hands.

That’s why we want to fight the water crisis. And we will do so by facilitating access to purifying filters in various places on the earth, which we will call “water banks”: points of sale of filters at reduced prices, managed by local groups.

After more than a year of experience and researching projects related to water filters, we have found the key: we ourselves have to be the ones to distribute the filters.

And you can be
part of the project,
and help us so we can continue to help.


We have a commitment to full transparency, so you can track the progress of the project through social networks (#TheSocialWater),
and if you wish, you can request detailed information on the entire financial aspect of the project

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